Website & Hosting

How to mitigate the risk of cyber attack in 5 quick steps

by Daniel

Identifying cyber attacks and mitigating their risks is simply a fact of life now. And while there are no silver bullets to fend off an attack, there are certain steps you can – and should – take to make sure an attack’s outcome isn’t catastrophic. Anticipating risks today will only help protect your online identity in the future.

Public wifi security: less trustworthy than a public toilet seat?

by Daniel

Most of us see using public toilets as something of a risky venture, but we appreciate their convenience all the same. That said, did you know there's another daily convenience even more questionable than a gas station restroom? Try free public WiFi networks and the questionable security they offer users.

Protect yourself from ransomware or suffer the consequences

by Daniel

Protecting yourself from ransomware has never been more crucial. Computers everywhere were besieged on May 12th by WannaCry, a vicious cyber-attack which hit hospitals, businesses, and government agencies around the world, holding files for ransom. Experts now say it’s only a matter of time before we see an even bigger attack.

Is your personal online security really at risk because of IOT?

by Daniel

Soon nearly every aspect of our life will be connected to the Internet. And, as a result, our most commonly used electronic devices will be able to send and receive user data to businesses. But what kind - and how big - a threat to personal online security will all these connected devices create?

SSL certificate explained: all you need to know about SSL.

by Meg

Do you buy clothes, books, or pizza, book holidays, or access your bank account – online? Did you enter your credit card details without a second thought, or did you check the site was safe? Visitors to your site do the same – check it’s secure. You do you have an SSL certificate, don’t you?