Domain Names

Explore the Benefits of a .ART Domain: Boost Your Artistic Presence Online

by EuroDNS

.ART domain names are an intuitive choice for anyone looking to promote and sell their art work or services on the Internet. For artists, galleries, and businesses, .ART domains have made online art marketing easier than ever. Take a look at how these .ART domain names are being used to reach art markets around the world.

Manage your domains with a backup contact email address

by Daniel

Here’s a domain name management tip that will help prevent problems with your domains. Provide EuroDNS a backup email address. It’s not mandatory that we have one on file, but we strongly recommend it anyway. Worse comes to worst: it'll keep your domain name from getting suspended. Here’s why.

DPML trademark protection takes bite out of homograph attacks

by Daniel

Trademark owners will be glad to know that Donuts has added a new feature to its DPML (Domains Protected Marks List) service: homograph attack protection. DPML now supports Cyrillic and Greek scripts, two scripts typically used in homograph attacks. Grrr. DPML trademark protection bites into this growing threat.

.CLUB domain names perfect for building online community

by Daniel

No other domain extension says, "We want you!" like .CLUB does. .CLUB domain names are helping businesses, organisation, and individuals around the world build online communities. And, now, .CLUB is accepting new members - at a reduced cost through the end of the year! Read on for details!

Register a .BLOG domain name and start promoting your blog

by Daniel

How do you drive traffic to your blog and stand out against all the competition? Registering a strong domain name is a good place to start. We think a .BLOG domain is the perfect way to promote any kind of blog. Just look at how .BLOG domain names are helping these bloggers get noticed.

.TW (ccTLD for Taiwan), a top choice domain for Asian market

by Daniel

.TW domain names are helping registrants boost their online presence in Taiwan, one of Asia's busiest Internet markets. These three businesses are leading the way, demonstrating how the .TW country code top-level domain (ccTLD for Taiwan) alerts search engines and users to content that targets Taiwanese Internet users.