Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH)

Secure your brand’s future in the digital world with Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) – your partner in trademark protection across new gTLDs. 

TMCH Trademark Clearinghouse

Choose TMCH for robust trademark protection

Unlock powerful benefits with the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH), a pivotal player in ICANN's new gTLD program. Safeguard your brand online and enjoy:

  1. Exclusive Access: Gain priority during the Sunrise Period, securing your domain before public registration opens. TMCH authentication is your key to this exclusive opportunity.
  2. Real-Time Protection: Receive instant alerts when others attempt to register a domain matching your trademark. TMCH's Trademark Claims Service ensures your brand is defended against potential infringement.
  3. Ongoing Vigilance: Opt-in for free post-claims period notifications. TMCH keeps you informed of exact matches to names registered in the database, offering continuous protection for your brand.
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Our Trademark Clearinghouse Services

TMCH Sunrise/Trademark holders period

Sunrise/Trademark holders

Each new domain extension will launch with a Sunrise registration period. Trademark holders registered with the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) will gain exclusive access to this period and be able to register the domain name matching their brand.

TMCH Trademark Claims Service

Trademark Claims service

In General Availability, anyone trying to register a domain name matching a TMCH registered trademark will receive an alert email. If the email is ignored and registration continued, the TMCH will contact the trademark holder so action can be taken.

Why choose our TMCH platform?

We’ve built upon the TMCH platform to offer advanced online brand protection. Our platform continues to monitor the new domain extensions, after the TMCH alerts end. This means your brand protection is ongoing. You'll have a dedicated account manager to help submit your trademark to the TMCH. We'll register your brand during the Sunrise registration period. Once a domain becomes generally available, protection of your brand will continue.

Trademark ClearinghouseEuroDNS
Application check, prior to submission
Monitoring contentious registrations
Data check upon renewal
Sunrise period, launch notifications
Dedicated account manager
"Proof of use" management
Personal trademark alert (in dev.)
Automatic renewal (in dev.)
Centralised SMD (Signed Mark Data)
Domain registration and management

How to register with the Trademark Clearinghouse

As an accredited TMCH agent, we’ll help you with the registration of your trademark with the Trademark Clearinghouse. Once registered, you’ll receive an SMD or authentication key. This proves you’re registered with the TMCH. Then you can register the matching domain name with any of the new domain extensions, before they become available to the public. You can check out the prices for the activation of your trademark records below. Here’s more SMD information if you need it!

1 Year€ 199.00
Registration/Renewal3 Years€ 597.00
5 Years€ 995.00
1 Year€ 15.00
Additional labels3 Years€ 45.00
5 Years€ 75.00

Find out how we can protect your brand

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Use TMCH with our Domain Blocking Solutions



Effortlessly protect your brand from potential infringements by blocking domains across various Identity Digital extensions with a streamlined and cost-efficient solution.

AdultBlock - AdultBlock+

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Specialized protection for your brand in the adult entertainment domain, preventing unauthorized use and maintaining your brand's integrity with efficient management of adult-oriented domains.

GlobalBlock - GlobalBlock+

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The Trademark Clearinghouse is a database of verified trademarks. Created by ICANN as part of the new gTLD programme, it provides online brand protection to intellectual property owners. This means that your brand is protected against online infringement. Each new domain extension opens with a Sunrise/Trademark holders period. If you want to register the domain name matching your trademark, you'll need to have your trademark registered with the TMCH.

Here are the tips on how TMCH can help with brand protection on our blog.

The Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) serves as a central repository for verified trademarks in the domain name system. It is primarily used for two key purposes:

  1. Sunrise Period Access: TMCH enables trademark holders to participate in the Sunrise Period of new generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs). During this exclusive phase, trademark owners have priority access to register domain names that match their verified trademarks before the domains are made available to the general public.
  2. Trademark Claims Service: TMCH provides a Trademark Claims Service that alerts both trademark owners and potential domain registrants when someone tries to register a domain matching a trademark in the clearinghouse. This service helps prevent potential infringement by notifying registrants of existing trademark rights, allowing them to acknowledge and understand the associated risks.

In essence, TMCH acts as a safeguard, offering trademark holders an early opportunity to secure their brand in the expanding domain landscape and providing a mechanism to alert parties about potential conflicts during the domain registration process.

The Sunrise Period is a special phase that occurs during the launch of a new generic Top-Level Domain (gTLD). It provides a unique opportunity for trademark holders to secure domain names matching their trademarks before they become available to the general public.

The Domains Protected Marks List (DPML) is a rights protection mechanism working with the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH). It provides brand owners with a means of protecting their trademark; including terms and phrases that contain their trademark. This protection works on all domain extensions from registries employing the DPML system.