Online Marketing

Website or Facebook: which is better investment for SMEs?

por Daniel

Time to "unlike" Facebook? With changes to its algorithm, not to mention the Cambridge Analytica scandal, many SMEs are wondering if investing in Facebook is the best use of resources. Especially when registries (like us) offer affordable alternatives to help SMEs create a website that lets them control their own online presence.

E-commerce SEO tricks to increase traffic to your online shop

por Daniel

Knowing how to increase e-commerce traffic is key to your online shop’s success. Whether you offer a multichannel experience or operate strictly online, your shop must be easy to find, make clear what you offer, and stand out from the competition. You could be falling short if you're ignoring these e-commerce SEO tricks.

Semantic SEO: tips to get you started on website optimisation

por Daniel

The world of SEO is complex, but the basics are quite easy to understand and even a small amount of knowledge can make a big difference. EuroDNS's very own Marketing Coordinator, Vanessa, is here this week with practical tips to help get you started with all the semantic SEO basics you need to watch your site grow.

HTTPS: a new enforcement by Google. SEO managers beware!

por Daniel

“NOT SECURE!” Google’s Chrome 56 is now penalising websites with non-secure HTTP connections. Websites requiring users to transmit credit card information and passwords must be using a SHA-2 SSL certificate. If you haven't gotten around to buying (or updating) your certificate, your HTTPS SEO will be impacted.

Penguin 4 has landed! Is this the calm before the storm?

por Meg

Penguin alert… Google confirmed last Friday that the Penguin 4 algorithm is now operating in real-time. Did the earth move for you? Is this the calm before the storm? Google, as we’ve come to expect, is keeping everything pretty close to its substantial chest…

Social media is for selfies & cats, not serious stuff like work!

por Meg

Selfie! Look at what my pussy cat’s doing! My dinner! @!%*@!!*#!!! Is that it for social media, hugely powerful platforms just used to make whoopee? There’s more, much more. Social media allows you to talk with your customers, promote your products, build relationships, and humanise your brand. Your competitors are, why aren’t you?