Domain Names

Get DNSSEC, first line of defence against DNS security threats

por Daniel

DNSSEC provides an added layer of security for your domain name. It verifies the DNS records associated with your domain, ensuring that users aren't redirected to a deceptive site. Learn how DNSSEC can help you target this particular DNS security vulnerability - and how easy it is to enable directly from your EuroDNS account!

.SHOP domain names are a top choice for e-commerce stores

por Daniel

Finding just the right domain name, one that clearly articulates who your brand is and helps drive traffic to your e-commerce store, can be a difficult task. But recent numbers show .SHOP domain names are doing just that. See how registering a .SHOP domain can help your e-commerce site connect with shoppers around the world.

.AI domain names are paving the way for artificial intelligence

por Daniel

Welcome to the age of AI. Now bow down to your robot overlords! Or don't. AI isn't that sinister! In fact, it's already benefiting many aspects of our lives as evidenced by these 3 artificial intelligence companies, all of whom are making their Internet presence known with a .AI domain name. .AI, the domain name of the future?

Online reputation management: a lesson in brand protection

por Daniel

John Oliver’s recent Last Week Tonight exposé on Rudy Giuliani demonstrates just how easy it is to register a domain that can be used to punk (or do worse damage) to an individual or brand. You’ll likely never inspire Giuliani-levels of dislike, but Oliver’s piece is a good reminder of the need for online reputation management.

.EU domain name numbers up, just this side of 4 million mark!

por Daniel

Wow! .EU domain names are as popular as ever! EURid, the .EU ccTLD registry, just released its Annual Report and the numbers are impressive! At nearly 4 million, .EU domain name registrations continue to climb. Which has us asking one question: what's behind this upward trend in .EU domain name registrations?