Domain Names

ICANN 66 - It's all about abuse

por Luc

Last week, the 66th ICANN meeting took place in Montréal, Canada. While GDPR compliance has been the main focus of the community for the past five meetingsy, this past week leitmotiv was "DNS Abuse". While this concern is a priori legitimate and straight forward, the fact that some community members (purposefully?) fail to understand what comes within the legal and technical competency of DNS operators is causing frictions.

.LU ccTLD for Luxembourg hits 100,000 domain registrations

por Daniel

.LU, country code domain extensions (ccTLD) for Luxembourg, has just hit an important milestone: 100,000 registrations! If you, your business, or organisation targets Internet users in Luxembourg, registering a .LU domain name is a must. Here's why.

10 great education domain name ideas for eLearning websites

por Daniel

Exploring domain name options for your eLearning website? Our large selection of education domain name choices will make it easy for you to connect with students. Get inspired with our list of 10 education-related top-level domains (TLDs) for websites dedicated to providing online learning opportunities!

Domain name registration basics for small business owners

por Daniel

We get it! Choosing and managing a domain name for your small business can be hard work. Not sure which domain name is right for you? Don't know much about domain name security? Our ultimate guide to best domain name practices with all the answers you need!

Domain names that build trust with small business customers

por Daniel

The right generic top-level domain (gTLD) can be a powerful asset for your small business, an easy way to target users and influence how they perceive you. See how registering a domain name that calls attention to your location, niche, or affiliation with a specific community can help help you build consumer trust and loyalty.

Tower above online competition with a European ccTLD domain

por Daniel

Looking to establish an unmistakeable online presence in Europe? The right country code top-level domain (ccTLD) will prevent you from being overshadowed! Register a ccTLD domain name to drive visitors, generate clicks, and rise above the competition!