Domain Names

.AR launch on hold

por EuroDNS

The launch was initially planned on the 3rd of March, later moved to the 10th of March and now the .AR domains are on hold completely

.INC pour les entreprises qui veulent être prises au sérieux !

por EuroDNS

Depuis son lancement en mai 2009, l’extension de domaine .INC a su capter l’attention des entreprises à travers le monde. Plus de 25 % des entreprises figurant au classement Forbes « Most Valuable Brands » ont acheté un domaine .INC, dont des marques comme, et

AdultBlock: ICM’s service to protect your brand online

por EuroDNS

As a brand owner, protecting your intellectual property online is your number one priority, especially when you know the damage cybersquatting or phishing can cause to your brand. With AdultBlock services, you can block specific terms from being registered with .PORN, .ADULT and .SEX as well as .XXX.

.INC for businesses that want to be taken seriously!

por EuroDNS

Since launching in May 2009, the .INC domain ending has caught the attention of businesses around the world. Over 25% of Forbes ‘Most Valuable Brands’ have purchased .INC domains; including branding like,, and

IGF 2019 - Border crossing

por Luc

Last week in Berlin the 14th Internet Governance Forum of the United Nations annual meeting was held. The IGF’s goal is to bring people together to discuss public policy issues relating to the Internet. However, there is no negotiated outcome at the IGF; it serves only as a place for policy-makers to discuss, exchange information and share good practices.