.NET.CN domain name .NET.CN domain name - China

.NET.CN is a country code domain for China. This ccTLD isis operated by the Chinese registry CNNIC and can be registered by anyone for a minimum one year period.

Please note that whilst this domain extension is not restricted, the registry will conduct checks. Domain names will be deleted if they are seen to be infringing registration requirements.


The .CN registry asks commercial entities to provide a company registration certificate and a copy of their ID card or passport. Individuals are asked to provide a copy of their ID card or passport.

Please note:

The .CN registry asks commercial entities to provide a company registration certificate. Individuals are required to provide a copy of their ID card or passport.

The following content must not be included in any website with a domain name registered and used by any organisation or individual:

  1. Opposition to the basic principles prescribed in the Constitution;
  2. Jeopardising national security, revealing state secrets, the intention to overturn the government, or causing a disruption of state integrity;
  3. Demonstrating harm to national honour and national interests;
  4. The instigation of hostility or discrimination between different nationalities, or disruption of national solidarity;
  5. Violation of the state religion policies or the propagation of cult and feudal superstition;
  6. The spreading of rumours, disturbing public order or disrupting social stability;
  7. The promotion of pornography, obscenity, gambling, violence, homicide, terror, or the instigation of crimes;
  8. Insults, libel against others, and the infringement of people's legal rights and interests; or
  9. Content prohibited by law, rules, and administrative regulations.

.NET.CN registry information

Dispute policies

Registry policy

Transfer a .NET.CN domain name

This transfer process only applies to domain names with the same Owner contact. If you require assistance transferring your domain portfolio, please contact our sales team who will be happy to help.

 Transfer a .net.cn


Discover the registration and expiry dates of a domain name, the contact details and the current registrar and name servers currently being used


.NET.CN Price

Setup fee None
Annual fee€60.00
Renewal fee €60.00
Update fee Free
Trade fee €59.50
Transfer fee €60.00 (1 year extension included)
Reactivation fee €25.00 + (Renewal fee)

.NET.CN Format

Minimum length3 characters
Maximum length63 characters
Numbers Allowed (full-numeric)
Hyphen Allowed (middle only)
IDN Not allowed

.NET.CN Registration Period

Minimum subscription period1 year
Minimum renewal period1 year
Renewal increment1 year
Registration delay1 day
2048-bit Secure Payment

ICANN Accredited Registrar

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Map of China

Services available for your .NET.CN domain name


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