.CH domain name .CH domain name - Switzerland

The .CH domain extension is the country code domain (ccTLD) for Switzerland. No registration requirements mean we can all have a .CH domain name. Any entity or individual connected to Switzerland can register a .CH domain name. From global financial businesses to bloggers, the .CH domain extension will get your website noticed. It should be highlighted that whilst registration of a .CH domain name does not require a local address, if the .CH registry asks, you’ll need to provide a mailing address within 30 calendar days. Best be ready! 

Switzerland has a prosperous and stable market economy. Low unemployment and a per capita GDP that's one of the highest in the world. This, along with economic and political stability, low corporate tax, and an excellent infrastructure - creates a highly competitive economy. It's banking secrecy makes the country highly desirable for investors, with banking as one of the most important industries in Switzerland. 

It's not a member of the EU but to boost its international competitiveness, Switzerland is now more in line with the EU's economic practices.

Why the letters CH for the Swiss domain? It stands for Confoederatio Helvetica, the Latin name for Switzerland. The choice is intended to demonstrate its neutrality with regard to the four official languages of the country; it’s also used on vehicle number plates. 

Why register with us? Because you get all you need in one place. Domain names, web hosting, a free Alpha SSL certificate with every domain name, Classic DNS as standard for a super speedy website, two-step verification, domain privacy, and multilingual customer care. 

If you’re looking for a domain that’s exclusive to Swiss businesses, the .SWISS domain extension is limited to organisations with a Swiss Enterprise ID. The registration requirements are strict and the domain names are monitored to check for noncompliance, it's a very secure domain. 

Just give us a shout if you'd like more information

Features & Requirements

Below are a list of the requirements and features for registering a .CH domain name.

IDN Supported
DNSSEC supported
Realtime Registration


The .CH registry does not require a local address but if requested by the registry, registrants will need to provide a mailing address within 30 calendar days or lose their domain name.

Please note:

The .CH registry will partly conceal your contact details so that only your name and postal address will be accessible to the public.

.CH registry information

Dispute policies

Registry policy

Data Privacy Policy

Transfer a .CH domain name

This transfer process only applies to domain names with the same Owner contact. If you require assistance transferring your domain portfolio, please contact our sales team who will be happy to help.

 Transfer a .ch

.CH WHOIS Lookup

Discover the registration and expiry dates of a domain name, the contact details and the current registrar and name servers currently being used


.CH Price

Setup fee None
Annual fee€16.79€34.00
Renewal fee €34.00
Update fee Free
Trade fee Free
Transfer fee €34.00 (1 year extension included)
Reactivation fee €25.00 + (Renewal fee)

.CH Format

Minimum length3 characters
Maximum length63 characters
Numbers Allowed (full-numeric)
Hyphen Allowed (middle only)
IDN Allowed

.CH Registration Period

Minimum subscription period1 year
Minimum renewal period1 year
Renewal increment1 year
Registration delay1-3 days
2048-bit Secure Payment

ICANN Accredited Registrar

Services available for your .CH domain name


Free with every domain. Get secure SSL certificates from basic up to the magical green bar.


Anycast DNS

Free with every domain. A performance boost for your website before any traffic reaches it.



Free with every domain. Start using your memorable and personalised email address.


Web hosting

Web hosting that makes building your website a breeze with one-click software installation.



Register for€16.79€34.00 /year*

EuroDNS is proud to be trusted by...

*Excludes premium domains.