What is a Domain Name Redirect or URL Forwarding? How does it work?

von Yesha

Have you recently acquired a new domain name for your website? Or perhaps you'd like to ensure that visitors who find variations or typos of your main domain still find their way to your content. URL forwarding offers a simple solution directing traffic seamlessly. Let's explore its benefits and the process of setting it up.

How to host a website with Shared Web Hosting? A 101 Guide

von EuroDNS

Having a website is crucial for any business in today's digital age. But for those just starting out, the technical aspects of creating and hosting a website can seem tricky. This is where shared web hosting comes in! It offers a user-friendly and affordable way to get your website up and running quickly, without needing extensive technical knowledge. Now, let's get your website launched with some key information about shared web hosting.

What are IDN domains? How to register them?

von Yesha

Want to connect with international customers in their own language? Or create a web address that builds a stronger global presence? Well, say Hello, or 你好, or ਸਤ ਸ੍ਰੀ ਅਕਾਲ, or even こんにちは to an internationalised domain name (IDN), a domain with special characters that does all those things!

How to make the most out of your eCommerce marketing budget?

von Guest

At some point, practically every business asks the same question: ‘How can I spend my digital marketing budget effectively?’ Answering this question correctly is key to a thriving business. Pour too much into one marketing element, and you’ll starve other, equally important, aspects. If your budget is spread too thin, your marketing strategies won’t have the impact you want.

But how can you find that sweet spot between too much and too little? Well, don’t worry, today we’re here to help make the most of your ecommerce marketing budget.

Why It Matters to Renew Your Domain on Time?

von Yesha

Have you ever missed renewing a domain name? What happens to domains that are not renewed? Could an expired domain affect your business? These questions are more important than they might seem at first glance. Join us as we discuss expired domains and what they could mean for your online presence.