Simple blocks of text with small and medium titles. Blocks can contain up to 5 rows. This style can be used to present simple messages. In the case of 2 or 3 rows, leave the "Block Layout" setting on "Auto" for a 1:1 layout of rows. Use one of the other settings if one of the rows should have visual priority over the other.
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
Placeholder image dimensions do not reflect the size of images/icons used for real content. This style can be used where some more emphasis is required by including a supporting image (image size: Default). In the case of 2 or 3 rows, leave the "Block Layout" setting on "Auto" for a 1:1 layout of rows. Use one of the other settings if one of the rows should have visual priority over the other.
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
Grey blocks are standard text blocks except the "Block Alternative Colour" switch is active. This should be used to create a natural break in the page content the help reduce user reading fatigue. It can be a single box or up to 5 in one "Blocks" container. Note: It can be applied to any "Blocks" component and should be decided on a case by case basis depending on the flow of the content.
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
This style should be used for the top of each page, except for the homepage which uses a slightly different layout. The style "x-large" is preferable from a design perspective as it is more impactful and the weighting works best with titles further down the page. The title should aim to be 3 lines max. As a last resort, the title can fallback to "large" style if the text is too long and it's not possible to shorten.
Optional: • The "From" price may be used to highlight the lowest starting price of the product in question. • Highlighted title is optional and should always be x-small e.g. "Get 1 month free trial"
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
Alternating image and text combination. First row should start with text left and image right. Next row alternates with image / text and so forth. Highlighted titles should be used sparingly to enhance their effect on the page.
Optional: • Highlighted title – always size x-small • CTA button • Secondary CTA button • CTA text link
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
By had of headline his we to more sharpness designer how the and of that who what thought and comments shreds you divine at from and which opulence to paint, her which mellower refinement multitude hungrier the presence they win one exploration, only great tell tone alarm of creating and.
Inline headers can be used when a header is required without using the "Blocks" element e.g above an "Accordion" element. Header sizes range from "x-large" to "x-small". Default colour is "Primary". Header should be left aligned unless there is a reason to have it aligned otherwise.
Use the "Customer Rating" component to reinforce the reliability of the product/service. It should flow naturally with the content and usually appears in the lower half of the page. As of writing, the header style and position are fixed in the component.
"top info, clarification and all"
Florian R.
"Excellent customer service and instantly solved my problem!"
Helen S.
"Incredible support"
Lucio D.
"I've rarely seen this kind of excellent service and instructions with this type of company !"
Jerry R.
"Thanks for your kind and competent support."
André V.
"Awesome customer support and lightning fast reply! Well trained staff and happy to be an EuroDNS customer!"
Sascha B.
"Thanks for prompt reply and fast service. Issue fixed."
Konstantin Y.
"All questions answered and very quick. Thanks!"
Carolyn H.
"Crystal clear reply to my ticket request. Excellent customer service!"
"Perfect timing and resolved my issue immediately!"
Dobromira G.
"Thank you very much for the prompt and complete reply."
"Prompt and complete reply, explaining clearly what I needed to do next and, just as important, why."
"The friendly telephone call was above and beyond the call of duty. I appreciate it. Thank you!"
Gregory V.
"Thank you for very good service and getting the certificate validated. It is now up and running."
Christian R.
Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) Score
The "Accordion" component is primarily used to display the frequently asked questions for a product/service. They usually appear near the end of a page with a "Heading" component for the title.
Here is an answer.
Here is an answer.
Here is an answer.
Here is an answer.
Here is an answer.
Product blocks should be displayed with 4 max per line. If there are more than 4 products in a category and all of them need to be displayed on the same page, add an additional product block component to display the remainder. The "Free" and "Recommended" switches should only be activated / deactivated after consulting with the marketing lead.
Product comparison should appear towards the end of the page to give an in depth overview of how products compare to each other. Prices and "Add to cart" features can be displayed or not.
Starter | Pro | Premium | Pro - Free Trial | |
Price per month | €3.81 | €8.04 | €14.48 | €0.00 |
Feature 1 | Option 1 | Option 1 | Option 1 | Option 1 |
Feature 2 | Option 2 | Option 2 | Option 2 | Option 2 |
Feature 3 | Option 3 | Option 3 | Option 3 | Option 3 |
Feature 4 | Option 4 | Option 4 | Option 4 | Option 4 |
Highlight specific bundle promotions.
Get 2 for 1 with .COM and .ONLINE bundle*.
Domain names renew at the regular price.
Save 62% with .LU and .ONLINE bundle*.
Domain names renew at the regular price.
Supporting icons can be used to emphasise the content. The icons should be designed to work on white and grey backgrounds by using white to fill large areas and grey for outlines. Blue should be used for accents in the image. All of these points should be taken into account when selecting an image, so icons with open paths tend to not be a good choice. The icons should fit inside the canvas dimensions shown below; the design doesn’t need to extend edge to edge on the canvas. All icons should look proportional to each other.
Select icons with matching stroke weight when possible.
Colour palette: Grey (#CCCCCC), White (#FFFFFF), Blue (#3EC1E6)
Canvas size: 80px x 80px
Format: SVG
Icon library:
Grey outlines that still contrast against the grey container background colour.
The larger areas in the icon use a white fill to enhance the contrast of the icon.
Blue for an accent in the image.
Simple icons can be used to support the accompanying text. The icons should be designed to fit inside the canvas dimensions shown below; the design doesn’t need to extend edge to edge on the canvas but all icons should look proportional to each other.
Select icons with matching stroke weight when possible.
Colour palette: Blue (#3EC1E6)
Canvas size: 24px x 24px
Format: SVG
Icon library:
This shows the icon in it's native dimensions.
If the size of the icon needs to be slightly increased, please apply the same size for all other simple icons in the same block.
Example: 5% image width will be calculated from 5% of it's container width.
The support block will appear at the end of a page to offer the user ways to get in touch with us or redirect them to our blog to read articles.
The standard block to insert on pages to highlight the newsletter subscription. It should appear on the lower half of the page.
We promise not to spam you. Only what we believe can help you success and grow your business online.
The "Hero" search box component is used wherever the content leads the reader to domain names and it makes sense to have them perform a domain name search. The full version is primarily used on the homepage and the light version is used on secondary pages. The light version can include the tabs or not, depending on the page content. The search box can be blue or grey in appearance and relies on using a background image.
Subtitle text
Subtitle text