Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) claims period extended

The Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) has announced an indefinite extension to the Claims service, specifically the sending of post-registration alerts to trademark holders, with no extra costs incurred. If you would like to know the details and when it’ll be launched, read on…
Trademark Clearinghouse
TMCH is the centralised database for validated trademarks, it’s how brand owners protect their marks during the launch of the new domain extensions. It also grants them exclusive access to the opening phase, or Sunrise period, of each new domain extension launched.
Extension of the Trademark Claims service
The Claims service follows the Sunrise period and lasts for 90 days. During this period, claims notifications are sent to both trademark owners and registrants, when an application is made for a domain name matching a trademark. The registrant must acknowledge receipt of the notice for the application to proceed. The trademark owner can then take action if necessary.
The notice sent to the trademark owner, warning of potential intellectual property infringement of their mark, will continue indefinitely with this extension. This is a ‘belt and braces’ approach from the TMCH, providing even more protection for trademark holders at no extra cost.
Kicking off during the first half of 2014, it’s not an automatic service so you have to choose to opt-in; but, it’s a freebie so, what’s to lose! EuroDNS TMCH customers will automatically be signed-up for this extra protection.
Is it too late to register with the TMCH?
Not at all, the TMCH won’t run out of space but we'd strongly recommend registering sooner rather than later so you're well protected for the coming launches. There are currently about 20,000 trademarks registered with the TMCH, contact us now to register your trademark.