First new domain extension, first IDN. Arabic domain is live!

by Meg

.SHABAKA, or as they say in Arabic, . شبكة, is the first of the new domain extensions to be released. It roughly translates as Internet and is the first generic domain written entirely in Arabic. EuroDNS is ready to accept your applications for this new gTLD, so get registering. Let’s take a closer look at this internationalised domain name (IDN) and find out when and how you can register…

The new domains - what's taking so blooming long?

by Cornelius

Lot's of people have asked me what's happening with the new domains, what do all the phases mean, and when can I register one? All good questions, but until very recently it's been rather difficult to give a straight answer. And then last Friday http://نقطة-شبكة.امارات (Internet in Arabic) dropped in from nowhere and dashed off into the Sunrise application period. But what's the Sunrise period you say?

Managing all your domain names a pain? Create domain folders...

by Meg

Do you have a large portfolio? Finding it a pain to manage your vast collection of domain names? Categorise and organise your domain names with domain folders, they'll help you manage your domain names and perform global updates, whilst keeping them secure. This post explains how...

Three curious facts about domain extensions & geopolitics

by Meg

Domains may only exist in the virtual world, but they can sometimes be impacted by real life, there's a knock-on effect. Here are three interesting geopolitical domain facts that we at EuroDNS talk about when we’re not working (which is never, of course)...

EuroDNS interview - going nuts with MailChimp

by Meg

With over 4 million people using their platform to send about six billion emails every month; MailChimp is the email marketing solution that's slowly taking over the world. Earlier in the month EuroDNS was lucky enough to catch-up with the email marketing supremos (and EuroDNS customer) and get some valuable tips.