NCC Group buys EuroDNS co-founded, OpenRegistry

The UK headquartered company, NCC Group, has purchased the OpenRegistry group as part of an expansion plan aimed at providing corporate customers with domain services and brand protection. With this purchase, Internet security experts NCC, will benefit from OR’s highly experienced management team and industry knowledge.
OpenRegistry & CHIP
EuroDNS co-founded OpenRegistry in 2011, swiftly followed by the creation of CHIP in 2012; both companies actively involved with the new domain extensions. OpenRegistry (OR) is a leading European registry service provider for international brands, and CHIP (Clearinghouse for Intellectual Property) is an authorised operator for Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH).
The NCC Group currently helps organisations around the globe with risk management, software verification, domain abuse monitoring, security consultation, website performance, and more.
The OpenRegistry group of companies is based in Belgium and Luxembourg. Xavier Buck, ex-chairman of OR and current chairman of EuroDNS shared his thoughts, “I believe this transaction will be of major benefit to Luxembourg. Considered the banking capital of the world, with an advantageous IP law; Luxembourg provides a highly secure domain spot and is a major player in the domain industry as a whole; the NCC Group can only strengthen this."