Managed DNS services with Anycast even faster, more robust!

EuroDNS has upgraded its DNS infrastructure! Our managed DNS services are now even faster and more secure, providing you with a better performing, more responsive solution - at no additional cost! See what our migration to a new Anycast DNS infrastructure means for you!
A superior DNS solution
We began migrating our customers to the new infrastructure on January 3rd, 2018.
We'e happy to report that the migration went smoothly without any problems. In fact, it was so seamless, it's likely you didn't notice any changes at all.
Instead, what you should have experienced - from day one - is the same superior DNS solution we offered through our previous DNS service but with one major, key difference: our upgraded infrastructure in based on an Anycast DNS network which dispatches from different locations.
This translates into:
- Better response times everywhere around the world
- Better DDOS protection because of the large bandwidth and network spread
- Better reliability
Improved DNS functionality
Our new DNS service is on a par with best-in-class offerings on the market.
In the next year, we will be rolling out lots of extra features that our customers have been asking for. As these features become available, we’ll provide you with more specifics.
But just to give you some idea of what's ahead:
- Support of DNSSec
- New records: APEX Alias and CAA records (Update: these records became available in mid January 2018.)
And maybe best of all: you will experience no additional cost!
More to come!
If you have questions about our Anycast DNS network, feel free to get in touch with us. We'll be happy to discuss its unique benefits and capabilities with you.
And be sure to watch this space to find out more about upgrades to our managed DNS services in the next year!