Domain Names

Exact match domain (EMD) names: yay or nay?

by Meg

It used to be that if you wanted better page ranking, an exact match domain (EMD) did the job – until Google upped the game. EMD sites quickly lost ranking. An update meant that EMDs no longer received preferential treatment and had to prove themselves. So, are they still worth registering?

Protect your domain names – use a single registrar!

by Meg

Domain name management can be hard work. Registration requirements are often complicated. Keeping up with renewals is a pain. And protecting your domain names against hijacking is stressful. Storing your names with numerous registrars magnifies these issues. Take a look at how to simplify your domain management.

You’ve moved? Do we have your new contact details?

by Meg

It’s crucial that the contact details in your domain name account are accurate. If we’ve got an outdated email address, you could lose your domain names and everything associated with them. We send you email with vital information and ignoring them could lead to disaster…

WTF!!! Why are premium domain names so expensive?

by Meg

Premium domain names look so ordinary. Small, familiar, rather bland and dare I say, powerless. There’re no clever domain hacks, no quirky made-up words; actually they appear a bit wimpy. But it’s their mediocrity that makes them work, and boy do they pack a punch! People will pay huge amounts of money for them, here’s why….

Beware used domain names and the pump & dump scam!

by Meg

Thinking of registering used domain names? It’s a wise investment if the domain history is credible. Ask the seller questions, lots of questions. And you must, at all costs, watch out for the pump and dump scam. Never heard of it? Quick, read this…

Don’t be a dummy – avoid these domain name mistakes!

by Meg

Check your domain name’s free before printing your business cards. Use a dictionary looser! Big clothes are not what .XXX is all about. You cannot have a website without a domain name. The Internet is not a passing fancy. More hazards to avoid, take a look…