Domain Names - Domain Management

Please help me, I just received a trademark claims notice...

by Meg

A trademark claims notice is a warning sent to you if the domain name you're trying to register matches a trademark registered with the Trademark Clearinghouse. Trademark infringement is scary stuff, but if you receive a trademark claims notice it doesn’t necessarily mean you won’t get the name you want, or worse - a pack of hungry lawyers at your door (Sorry Luc). In many cases the rights being claimed are concerning a trademark limited to a particular industry or product, or to a certain jurisdiction. Let me explain...

Why you must consolidate your domain names. Here's how...

by Meg

Having your domain names registered with lots of different registrars is a pain. Email coming from several registrars, renewals, expiry dates, requests to transfer, unauthorised changes... you're putting your domain names at risk. How do you stay on top? Consolidate your domain names with a single registrar, here's how...

ICANN's contact validation policy explained

by Meg

ICANN, the guys who look after the Internet, have recently introduced a new policy. It concerns contact validation and it's designed to remind customers once a year to check and update their contact information. As an ICANN accredited registrar we're authorised to sell domain names, which means there are rules to follow. This article explains what you have to do when you receive a contact validation email.

Why we're sending claims check notification email & what to do

by Meg

The new domain extensions have brought not only exciting choices for domain names, but also new procedures. One of these is the new claims check notification email; this article explains why we’re sending these email and what to do if you receive one.

How the Early Access Program from Donuts works

by Meg

Whenever a new domain extension is launched it usually follows a sequence of launch phases, starting with Sunrise, then Landrush, and ending with the open-ended General Availability. Donuts, the registry for hundreds of new domain extensions has chosen to replace the Landrush period with something called the Early Access Program or EAP. This article explains how the Early Access Program works and what it means for you.

Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) claims period extended

by Meg

The Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) has announced an indefinite extension to the Claims service, specifically the sending of post-registration alerts to trademark holders, with no extra costs incurred. If you would like to know the details and when it’ll be launched, read on…