Domain Names - Domain Management

Don’t be a dummy – avoid these domain name mistakes!

by Meg

Check your domain name’s free before printing your business cards. Use a dictionary looser! Big clothes are not what .XXX is all about. You cannot have a website without a domain name. The Internet is not a passing fancy. More hazards to avoid, take a look…

Do you know what EPP status codes are? You cannot be serious!

by Meg

Jeepers creepers, they can stop your domain name being hijacked and you don't know what they are? They're codes that tell you what’s going on. Is your registration about to fail? Is your name being transferred to another registrar? Is it going to be deleted? EPP status codes are alerts that gives you time to act...

Domain extensions? Google spoke, everyone heard... even my mum!

by Meg

The domain industry continues to promote the new domain extensions. Highly descriptive, increased choice, and countless blog posts on how to choose, what’s to come, and why they’re great – register now! Yet still, awareness is low... until Google registered Did you hear the buzz?

You need to be aware of this domain name registration scam!

by Meg

If you receive an email pretending to be from a domain name registration centre in Asia, informing you that someone is trying to register a series of domain names based on your brand and domain name - what would you do?

Register multiple domain names & own your market space!

by Meg

Your domain name is your company name, your online identity. But owning just your company name isn't enough. You need to create a powerful online identity distinguishing you from the crowd, gaining more exposure. Registering variations of your domain name is key to protecting the integrity of your brand and increasing your online presence.

Free crash course in domain names, it's gonna save your ass!

by Meg

This is a shout out to website newbies! I'd like to share with you a few pointers on setting up your website and choosing your domain name. Your domain name is going to be at the centre of your marketing campaign, it's your brand and it's going to be with you for a while.