Domain Names - Domain Extensions

How to choose a domain name for your small business

by Daniel

SMEs must work harder to stand out among the Internet giants, to announce to customers their unique ability to provide simpler and more personalised alternatives. Finding a domain name which speaks to your small business's relevance and specialisation is one way to establish the strong presence you need to thrive.

Hack this! Sticky domain name ideas using hackable ccTLDs

by Daniel

How's this for a domain name idea? An ex-Clinton campaign staff member launched a website, the name of which combines Millennial slang and US President Trump's possible conflicts of interest. Its name? Corrupt.AF. The country code domain extension for Afghanistan is used to suggest Trump is corrupt "AF," texting argo for "as f---."

Four reasons why the right ccTLD will expand your online world

by Daniel

Whether you’re a startup or an established business looking to gain more online traction, there’s no question that registering the right ccTLD (country code domain extension) will bring numerous advantages. With an expansive list of ccTLDs available, you’re sure to find one, and probably even more than one, that works for you.

How to choose a domain name that will connect with consumers

by Daniel

The holidays are the most important time of year for online retailers. Knowing how to choose a domain name that optimises your online presence will help you establish the clear point of differentiation you need to dominate consumers’ attention and sell more.

Upgrade your business reputation with a branded domain name

by Daniel

Although not for everyone, branding your domain name is one way to better communicate what your brand is and establish a stronger online presence. See how having a branded domain name will upgrade your reputation and why it could be worth investing in.

Why you should move your .FI domain names to EuroDNS now!

by Meg

On 2 Sept 2016, the .FI registry (FICORA) will cease acting as a registrar. All accounts held in their system will be closed. If your .FI domain names are registered directly with FICORA, you must find a new registrar to manage your domain names. This doesn't apply if your .FI domain names are registered with EuroDNS already.