Author: Yesha

Plesk vs cPanel: The definitive guide for small business web hosting

by Yesha

Why Is choosing the right web hosting control panel important?

Web hosting is a critical choice for small business owners, and the control panel you use is at the heart of this decision. Plesk and cPanel are two leading platforms in this space, and understanding their offerings is vital for a hassle-free hosting experience. This guide is here to provide you with clear insights to help you make an informed choice.

Plesk Hosting simplified: Everything you need to know

by Yesha

Hey, welcome to the digital age where adapting to Plesk hosting isn't just a choice—it's the backbone of any thriving online business. It’s the secret tool to unlocking a smooth, stress-free website management experience.

In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about Plesk, from its standout features to the significant benefits it adds to your web hosting experience.

Short Domain Names: Why are They So Powerful in the Digital Age?

by Yesha

Alright, let's get down to business, shall we? Think of finding the perfect short domain as the digital equivalent of grabbing the best parking spot at the mall during a holiday sale. It's all about getting in, getting out, and leaving a lasting impression.

So, why are these short domains such a big deal, and how do you find one for yourself? Let’s dive in!

The Benefits of Going Green: Solving SME problems

by Yesha

Hey there! We're going to look at how small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) are managing to become more eco-friendly in today's fast-paced business world. Going green is not just about being kind to the environment – it can also help save money, improve your brand's image, and open up new market opportunities. We'll explore the full range of changes, from new innovations to making your business more profitable in an environmentally friendly way. Stay with us as we go through the advantages and challenges SMEs encounter as they move towards a more sustainable future.

How to enable your free branded email account

by Yesha

Every domain name registered with us comes with a free branded email with your domain name and powered by Open-Xchange (OX) email service that boosts communication and securely stores your documents. If you haven’t already signed up, this article will help you get started...