Author: Yesha

What is Domain Privacy? Why is it Important?

by Yesha

Who can access your personal details when you register a domain name? Are you aware that a tool called WHOIS makes this information publicly available? How exactly does it work? Let’s dive into how domain privacy, often referred to as WHOIS privacy, is transforming domain registration and protecting individuals like you from unnecessary exposure online.

13 popular domain extensions for tech businesses

by Yesha

Are you starting a tech company or coming up with new tech ideas? Choosing the right domain name is a big deal - it needs to be sharp, memorable, and make a statement. Then why not choose a domain that attracts visitors as excited about technology as you are?

10 ways to collect customer data for your e-commerce site

by Yesha

Ever wonder how you can make your online store even better? The answer might be simpler than you think: it's all about understanding your customers. By collecting customer data, you can learn exactly what your shoppers like and need. Here are some simple steps to start collecting and using customer data.

The Power of ccTLDs in Local and Regional Branding

by Yesha

Have you ever noticed how websites with endings like .us, .uk, or .ca feel more local and trustworthy? Websites with country code top-level domains (ccTLDs) are actually 1.5 times more likely to be trusted by local users. But what are ccTLDs? Why do they matter? How do they impact local branding? Let’s find out!

Branding and Domain Names: Impact of Domain Name on Brand Identity and Customer Perception

by Yesha

Branding is all about crafting a unique identity for your business - it’s what makes your company stand out and connects you with your customers. And a domain name is the web address people type in to find you on the internet. In today's digital age, this tiny string of characters holds immense power in shaping your brand. Let’s explore how.

SEO and Domain Names: Increase your Search Ranking with SEO-friendly Domain Name

by Yesha

Imagine your website is a shiny new store in a busy mall. What's the first thing people notice? Your store’s name, right? That’s your domain name on the internet! And when you mix a catchy domain name with some smart SEO, it's like having a big, flashy sign that helps you stand out in search results.